Welcome to the Spotlight, Sen. ManchinThese are the days of sackcloth and ashes. Or, at least that’s what you’d think if you surveyed only conservative outlets and Twitter…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021
Enlightenment AgingTight quads. Twinge in the lower back. Crick in the neck. Immobile hips.Nov 15, 2020Nov 15, 2020
Sin and the Art of Flowerbed MaintenanceOn either side of our front porch, my wife and I have flowerbeds. Think of the lowest-maintenance flowerbeds you can conjure, and you’re…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
A Tunnel View“You guys better be careful — huge storm coming over the Sierras today. You’re going to get dumped on.”Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
We Should Pay for News, Darn It. Here’s Why.Tom Wolfe, the recently deceased author of white suit and New Journalism fame, once reportedly said that the internet is mostly “just…Jul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020